Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Don Bosco Technical School in Makuyu, Kenya

I never thought the students at this school were trained like this until I got to this workshop.  If you look at the picture above, it reflects the truth work that is done at this workshop. The second picture shows my work of three days (right square) and their work at the equivalent number of days (left).  I worked for three days to get a piece of metal to be 4 cm square.  Cutting the metal and then filing the metal to be exactly 4 centimenters square.  I almost forgot to mention the name of this workshop, is the General Fitting.  Although I am only spending 2 weeks in each I feel that I have learned lessons for life.   Everything we have we should learn to appreciate and not take it for granted.  Although things seem very simple they take a lot of work and dedication to get them to be perfect.  The second time I tried to do something the picture below reflects the effort of 2 days.   I thank all those people who have contributed to make this mission possible.  God blesses us everyday with the gift of life and some many others things that we get and we do not appreciate. 

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Accompaniment Futbol Style

Today in the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity the technical school of Don Bosco played a soccer match against a local Teachers College team.  Without realizing it I found myself playing with them and encouraging them.  There is a player in our team that is very fast; however, the last 3 matches he missed many opportunities to score a goal.  I had a chance to approach him one of this past days and I talk to him and today he scored two goals.  We all have talents, its just that we need to find them and that somebody tells us that we can do it.  When we approach somebody else, lets do it with Love, because it is Love that can touch other hearts to listen.  We got a victory of 4-0 today and I laughed with them, and we all enjoyed it.  We are invited to wept with those that wept and to be glad with those that are glad.  Without thinking about it consciously Jesus acts in us when we let him live in our hearts. 

Sunday, June 12, 2011

another example of striving to survive

This examples should inspire us!

Role Models in all extent of the word

Look at the picture below! What do you see? backs of people sitting down and a black board in front of them.  These are students who are attending Don Bosco Technical School in Makuyu and are trying to get a job as mechanics.  One day of the past week the teacher was not in to give the theory lesson. I am with them for 2 weeks as I was with the plumbers.  This week I was totally amazed at their desire to keep learning even though the teacher was absent.  All of them ask for the notes for the day and I did not know how to react.  Back in the United States in College when a teacher does not show up for lecture the students leave and do not worry about what was to be discussed that day.  So, coming back to Makuyu, Kenya; after I brought them the notes one of them started explaining them and they all gathered to the front chairs to listen.  I was amazed at how they do not take our American attitude of just leaving since the teacher is not there to lecture for the day.  This is definitely an example to follow!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011