I never thought the students at this school were trained like this until I got to this workshop. If you look at the picture above, it reflects the truth work that is done at this workshop. The second picture shows my work of three days (right square) and their work at the equivalent number of days (left). I worked for three days to get a piece of metal to be 4 cm square. Cutting the metal and then filing the metal to be exactly 4 centimenters square. I almost forgot to mention the name of this workshop, is the General Fitting. Although I am only spending 2 weeks in each I feel that I have learned lessons for life. Everything we have we should learn to appreciate and not take it for granted. Although things seem very simple they take a lot of work and dedication to get them to be perfect. The second time I tried to do something the picture below reflects the effort of 2 days. I thank all those people who have contributed to make this mission possible. God blesses us everyday with the gift of life and some many others things that we get and we do not appreciate.
General Fitting is the best course ever...I like it.....