We spend our lifes looking for this treasure that will make us happy. Unfortunately, many times we take the meaning of this treasure literally and fall into materialism, because we want to keep ourselves up to date. But, instead of filling that gap we make it wider and now we look for something else in the attempt to fill the gap that is bigger. Others might try to paint the hair, buy such dress or jeans to meet the expectations of our friends. In some cases we even try drugs because our "friends" tell us that we should try them at least once. We fill so empty even when we have a college degree and do not find a job, the purpose of life is lost, we are confused by all the things we try and the places we look for happiness. We the young and the adults alike live the life so fast without thinking about what we do. By this point we have forgotten that our bodies are the field where the treasure is found. What is that treasure? The treasure is being ourselves, without the influence of others. Wearing what we like to wear as long as we feel comfortable, accepting what we are regardless of what others might say. Whenever we have accepted that we are mere images of God, and we stop comparing ourselves to others appearance, success, economic status, etc then we will reach happiness. God mades us and we are perfect and when we do not accept ourselves like we are physically, academically, economically, then we will not reach happiness. If we are confident and believe in ourselves then others will believe in us. Lets stop selling ourselves to the expectations of others, lets stop looking for happiness in the wrong places, because the more we do that the farther we are from being ourselves. The more we sell to this superficial appearances and looks the more we are abused by the social expectations. Lets sell all this superficial things and get the treasure. Lets dig within ourselves and find the treasure that lies in there like in the Parable of Todays Gospel.
"the kingdom of heaven is like a treasure buried in a field,
which a person finds and hides again,
and out of joy goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.
--Mt 13